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Kingsway West - Access Only Restrictions

Early 2022 witnessed the implementation of an ‘Access Only’ system being launched along the whole section of Kingsway West.

For many there is still a lack of awareness that this is the case, and the throughput of traffic continues as if nothing has changed! It seems limited number of people are recognising or acknowledges the signs located on the junction of Brooke Lane and the turn into Kingsway West.

These signs were erected soon after Highways passed the legislation to make the Access Only system, but one could argue that the size and location of such signage blends easily into the background, are too high or there has been a lack of awareness raising.

The Access Only restriction does not apply to anyone living on Kingsway West, visiting or accessing Newton School.

However, on the other hand it restricts those wishing to pass through and make their way to Newton Lane / Kingsway junction.

For many local and those from the wider area it is and remains a natural instinct to pass through Kingsway West to access other areas of Newton. Given these new restrictions people must be more vigilant and considering of the new legislation and ultimately avoiding any traffic violations should the Police decide to conduct random checks.

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